Beau has a history of glass Flameworking for over 3 decades. The techniques he employs in his work are vast thus creating designs that are mind expanding. He has a passion for expressing emotions through form and color but precision is his hallmark.

Beau Anderson, born in Bellingham, WA 4/4/80, was introduced to the torch by his mother “Sage” at the young age of seven. He has demonstrated and instructed the art of flame working soft glass throughout the Americas and the world, both at a grass roots level with small private studios as well as schools and …institutions such as Corning Museum of Glass, Pittsburgh Glass Center and Pilchuck Glass School and The International Glass Bead makers Gathering since the early 1990s

Beau’s passion for travel, new experiences, and his love of the natural world are reflected in his art and instruction style. An advocate for conservation and sustainability, Beau strives for optimal efficiency and a positive impact in his production methods and instruction techniques.
People recognize Beau for his versatility, precision, charisma, and dedication to his art. Beau’s flair for elaborate detail, virtually flawless execution and wide range of themes make his works creations that collectors will treasure forever.
Some publications and exhibitions Beau has been included in:
- The History Of Beads Book by Lois Sherr Dubin,
- Beads OF Glass by Cindy Jenkins,
- Beading For The Soul,
- Ornament Magazine,
- The Japanese Lampworking Festival,
- Glass Art Society Fashion Show, Corning, New York and Seattle Wa USA
- Presenter and demonstrator at the international Society of Glass Bead makers Boulder Colorado , Rochester New York, USA
- Presenter and demonstrator for des Journées du Verre et de la Perle, à SARS-POTERIES (59216) en France.
Beau Anderson, né à Bellingham, WA le 04/04/1980, a été présenté au chalumeau à l’âge de 7 ans par sa mère “Sage”. Il a démontré et enseigné l’Art du verre à la flamme à travers les Etats Unis et le monde entier, autant dans des ateliers privés que dans des écoles renommées comme au Corning Museum of Glass (Musée du Verre de Corning), Pittsburgh Glass Center (Centre verrier de Pittsburgh) and Pilchuck Glass School (Ecole du Verre de Pilchuck)…
Beau est passionné par les voyages, les expériences nouvelles et la Nature, ce qui se reflète dans son Art et sa façon d’enseigner. Soucieux de la conservation et la durabilité, Beau s’efforce à une efficacité optimale et un impact positif sur ses méthodes de production et ses techniques d’enseignement.
On reconnaît Beau pour sa versatilité, précision, son charisme et dévouement pour son Art. Le talent de Beau pour l’élaboration des détails de ses pièces, la fluidité d’exécution dans son travail et la quantité de thèmes variés utilisés rend ses pièces collectionnées à travers le monde.
Quelques publications incluant le travail de Beau:
- The History Of Beads Book by Lois Sherr Dubin,
- Beads OF Glass by Cindy Jenkins,
- Beading For The Soul,
- Ornament Magazine,
- The Japanese Lampworking Festival,
- Glass art Society Fashion
- Présentateur et démonstrateur à la International Society of Glass Bead makers (Société Internationale des Perliers)

Glass, the most magical material, flame worked for wearing and giving