Headed to Tucson Gem and Mineral show we will be at The Best Bead show at the Quality Inn 5251 S. Julian Street,showing work and giving workshops at Sonoran Glass school Jan 29th to Feb 3rd
Category: Artists
Hand made glass beads

The best
handmade glass beads we have been able to get in front of a camra.
techniques de verre a la flamme

– Control de la chaleur et de la gravite
-Travail des differentes formes de base
– Utilisation des outils de base
– Tirer des fils + application:
– la plume
– trancher
– ratisser
– peigner en spiral
– peigner en Z ,
– serpenter
– pincer
– croisements
– Déplacement de motifs
– Canes torsadees :
2 couleurs et +
– Canes complexes +
differentes applications
– Rubans plats + applications
– Murrines + applications
– Recouvrements de transparent :
en masse , en bobine , en drappe , en zone
-Travail des points :
– application en symétrie
-Points en relief – Points fondus
– tensions de surface
– écailles
– stratifications
– points peignés
– regard de côté
– Masking ( masquage )
– Perles courbees
– Perles multiples
-Inclusions et travail avec les métaux :
feuilles d’argent, feuilles d’or, aventurine
– Couleurs en reductions
– Utilisation de frits, et poudres de verre
– Cabochons et travail en moule
– Utilisation de la tungsten
– Pendentifs (sans mandrin)
Stages en France
Classes in France
Class in France
Master Class Beau Anderson – 25 et 26 août 2022
Bonjour. Ce stage sera de niveau intermédiaire à confirmé et nous travaillerons sur la précision des décors, travaillant avec des fils, points, canes torsades, murrhines, enrobage, etc. Nous travaillerons sur des perles de différentes formes bien sûr mais aussi sur cabochons et boutons et utiliserons le mandrin en tungstene dont Beau Anderson est l’inventeur! L’atelier est équipé de chalumeaux minor, mid-range, et alpha bethlehem et de 2 concentrateurs par poste. De quoi bien chalumer!!
Tarif: 210 euros la journée, verre inclus et outillage à disposition
Horaires: de 9H00 à 17H00 avec une pause déjeuner d’1 heure.
Prévoyez votre déjeuner, il y a frigo et four à micro-ondes dans la cuisine.
Je suis à votre disposition pour tout renseignement, n’hésitez pas!
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer!!
Prochain Stage En France
Tarif: 250 euros/jour
Vous pouvez profiter de stages et formation professionnelle continue subventionnés puisque notre atelier est un organisme de formation, déclaration d’activité enregistrée sous le numéro sous le numéro 84 63 04684 63.
Suite à votre formation professionnelle continue dans notre atelier, il vous sera remis une attestation de stage.
Contact: Beau Anderson
0443135362 / 0778430719

Liquid Core technique classes and tool.

In this class we will be making beads on tungsten instead of on a mandrel with bead release. Beau Anderson will teach a new way to achieve highly detailed disks without the looming problem of the bead release breaking free. Beau has seen and felt the limitations of this and has developed a new way. He has been practicing this alternative skill for 8 years and is now ready to share all the tricks with you. Clean double bead beads can be achieved in one sitting. Implosions or pre-made components can be pierced to become your bead core; heat can be sent into the bead-core via the tungsten to avoid overheating details on the surface. Come discover all the possibilities of this new method while filling in the voids in your personal technique list.
ask to sign up for the Liquid Core class with Beau Anderson
Pendants, Buttons, Cabochons, and More

Pendants, Buttons, Cabochons, and More
at The BeadandButton Show
Beau Anderson
Fri. & Sat. June 6 & 7 • Fri: 8:30am-4:00pm; Sat: 9:00am-5:00pm (with breaks)
Students will Learn: A wide range of dot work, stringer work, twisted cane, clear casing complex details, implosions, geometric murrine, and much more. We are going to get off-mandrel, back on, and off again using Beau’s new Liquid Core mandrel.
Pendants, Buttons, Cabochons, and More
Centrifugal Ether Disk on Tungsten
This is a soft glass disk 4cm x 1.1cm 3mm perforation, made on tungsten. Please email me with your address if you buy this piece. Shipping to most places included in the price. From the time I receive your order it may take up to 3 weeks for the bead to arrive depending where on earth you live. beauxbead@gmail.com
Beads not Bullets Bracelet
The beads not bullets series is part of our effort to maintain more beads than bullets on Earth.
This bracelet is adjustable from 18-22.5cm with its silver chain. 17 soft glass beads with purple seed beads in-between and silver beads at each end. Please email me with your address if you buy this piece. Shipping to most places included in the price. From the time I receive your order it may take up to 3 weeks for the bead to arrive depending where on earth you live. beauxbead@gmail.com
Sage Fish
Sage Harlequin Fish many colorful scales , it will take three weeks after receiving your order plus shipping time depending on where you live. This can be mounted on a cable or silver wire. Please email me with your address for each order. Normal insured shipping included in price. beauxbead@gmail.com
From the time I receive your order it may take up to 3 weeks for the bead to arrive depending where on earth you live. Please email me with your address for each order. Normal insured shipping included in price. beauxbead@gmail.com